Jackson Davis PTA

a website for the Jackson Davis Elementary School community

Jackson Davis PTA - a website for the Jackson Davis Elementary School community

JDES Needs Your Voice: Henrico Bond Referendum


As you may be aware, five bond referendum questions will be placed on the Nov. 8, 2016  general-election ballot in Henrico.   One of these referendums includes $272.6 million for school projects.  NONE of this money is allocated for Jackson Davis Elementary.  Our school has a number of needs simply due to the fact that we are 50+ years old.  It is up to US, as parents, to speak up and advocate for our needs and for our children.  Please mark your calendar for Thursday, October 13 at 7 pm.  We will have a Bond Referendum Speaker’s Bureau from the Henrico Board of Supervisors present to educate us on the Referendum process so that we can speak up, advocate for our school needs, and be a vocal presence when it comes to future opportunities for funding.  Please check out http://henrico.us/bonds/ and join us in the cafeteria on October 13 at 7.  Spread the word – there is power in numbers!


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